
我们的专家团队在帮助客户缩短就诊时间方面有着良好的记录, rapidly employing our R&用于工程和临床试验研究的小型无菌液体和无菌填充溶液, clinicals, 和无菌的小规模商业生产,以交付材料,而其他合同开发和制造组织(cdmo)仍在安排他们的设施.

生物制剂和常规药物的无菌生产和无菌灌装是一门复杂且高度专业化的学科,需要专门建造的设施, equipment and processes, meticulous planning and careful execution, and a highly skilled and experienced team. Element全面的im体育平台app下载领先的无菌制造解决方案套件建立在一流的操作和流程之上, 以及对质量和合规的坚定承诺. 我们对质量和合规的坚定奉献使我们在药品评价研究中心(CDER)获得了良好的声誉。, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) of the US Food & 药品管理局(FDA)和欧洲药品管理局(EMA)的同行, 以及当地FDA和缉毒局(DEA)地区办事处.


Element的无菌生产设施有针对性地建造和设计,以确保无菌并完全消除污染的机会, 使我们的专家能够尽快安全地交付符合最高标准的药品. Additionally, 我们的设施经过设计,为客户提供远程或近距离查看在ISO 5级/级和无菌核心中完成的所有工作的机会.

许多传统和生物药物制品由于其给药途径而增加了感染或伤害患者的风险, particularly those which are administered through parenteral, ophthalmic, otic, or inhaled routes. FDA要求通过这些给药途径提供的药品必须是无菌产品. As more complex parenteral, ophthalmic, 一些药品进入了诊所和患者群体, 与值得信赖的无菌处理和无菌填充完成CDMO的合作伙伴关系将是成功将疗法推向市场的关键. 通过利用Element全面的CDMO功能套件,成功地导航具有挑战性的流程考虑因素,并确保遵守严格的法规要求, along with our deep bench of regulatory, industry, and scientific expertise.


  • 液体小体积注射剂(SVP)在透明和琥珀色玻璃瓶中灌装(1ml至100ml)
  • Syringes
  • Aseptic fills via flex bags


  • Otic and ophthalmic aseptic fills (up to 100ml)
  • 外用药物,半固体(乳霜,凝胶,软膏)和非无菌液体填充(最多100ml)
  • Potent compounds
  • Controlled substances (DEA classes II-V)
  • Compounding pharmacy drugs and medication

The Element advantage

Element提供全面的无菌填充解决方案,为临床研究提供量身定制的支持, compounding pharmacies, and small-scale batches, including small bulk fills. Additionally, 我们的收费制造服务可用于保护制造技术和商业秘密. 我们唯一关心的是尽快把你的产品安全送到诊所, 解决棘手的问题,支持临床生产,始终如一地提供可靠的质量结果. 有关Element的无菌生产和生物制剂和常规药物的无菌灌装服务的更多信息, including media fill and media chase, or to request a quote, contact us today.

Nearly 200 Years of Making Certain

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Pharmaceutical CMC Bottles

CMC Product Development Services

我们的CMC产品开发服务包括配方开发, parenteral and topical product development, microbiology testing services, and consultancy.

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Pharmaceutical CMC Product Development Parenteral

Parenteral Product Development and Phase I & II Clinical Manufacturing

Element处于药物开发和制造注射制剂的前沿, 提供专业的肠外产品开发和临床制造服务.

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Pharmaceutical CMC Product Development Formulation

Pharmaceutical Pre-Formulation & Formulation Development Services

Element的预配方和配方开发服务有助于提高您的注射剂的交付性能和稳定性, ophthalmic, and topical drug products.

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Pharmaceutical CMC Product Development Topical

Topical Product Development and Clinical-Stage Manufacturing

我们的外用药物开发和临床制造服务可帮助您制定可靠的外用剂型, including gel, cream, lotion, ointment, suppository, and emulsion.

Sterile Compounding USP 797

Sterile Compounding 

We provide USP <797> and cGMP FDA compliance expertise and testing solutions for home infusion, pharmacies, hospital pharmacies and human drug outsourcing facilities.

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Pharmaceutical Testing scientific equipment

Pharmaceutical Method Development and Research


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Biopharmaceutical and Biologics Testing

Biopharmaceuticals and Biologics Analysis

Element’s significant expertise in all stages of biologics R&D, 从内部蛋白质生物化学和分子生物学到细胞生物学和质量控制经验, supports the entire product development life cycle.

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Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing

Sterility and Rapid Sterility

确保产品无菌对患者的健康和安全至关重要, 因此,快速周转时间对于向依赖这些药物的患者提供关键药物至关重要. Element offers USP <71> Sterility testing and rapid sterility testing options.

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Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.